
· C7サミット,日本C7,イベント



Title: Dialogue for a nuclear weapons free world: where we stand and for the future

Date&Time: 10:00-12:00 JST, Thursday 13 April 2023

Descrpition: In preparation for the G7 Summit in Hiroshima, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida wants to specifically address nuclear weapons, and the increased nuclear threat. More than 125 organizations from around the world developed an agreed set of recommendations for the G7 leaders to reduce nuclear threats, and progress towards nuclear disarmament. This session will present those recommendations and provide analysis and insights on the current nuclear threats and global efforts to disarm nuclear weapons.


HATAKEYAMA Sumiko (NDWG Domestic Coordinator/Peace Boat)


Susi SNYDER (NDWG International Coordinator/ICAN)

TANAKA Terumi (Hibakusha/Hidankyo)

Gregory KULACKI (Union of Concerned Scientists)


TAKAHASHI Yuta (Know Nukes Tokyo)

Biographical notes:

ピースボートではおりづるプロジェクトや若者向けの教育プログラム「地球大学」に携わる。2017年3月の国連本部における核兵器禁止条約交渉会議で被爆者のスピーチを通訳。核軍縮に関する国際会議に参加してきた経験から、核をめぐる国際情勢や市民の役割についてさまざまな場で講演を行ってきた。現在はペンシルベニア大学や早稲田大学で核のグローバル史を教えるほか、小中学生向けの平和教育ワークショップなど、平和や戦争をテーマに体験型・参加型のプログラムも数多く行っている。ケンブリッジ大学政治・社会学部卒業、ペンシルベニア大学大学院博士課程修了(科学技術史)。専門は核のグローバル史、科学技術と社会論。共著に『Navigating Disarmament Education: The Peace Boat Model(「軍縮教育 ピースボートの方法論」[英語書籍] )』『殺人ロボットがやってくる!?軍事ドローンからロボット兵器まで』。

Gregory KULACKI, Senior Analyst, Union of Concerned Scientists

Gregory Kulacki is a Senior Analyst and the China Project Manager for the Global Security Program of the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). He is also a Visiting Fellow at the Research Center for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (RECNA) at Nagasaki University. Dr. Kulacki works on improving cross-cultural communication between the United States of America, China and Japan on nuclear weapons and related security issues. Prior to joining UCS in 2002, Dr. Kulacki was the Director of External Studies at Pitzer College, an Associate Professor of Government at Green Mountain College and the China Director for the Council on International Educational Exchange. Gregory completed his PhD in government and politics at the University of Maryland College Park. He has spent most of his professional life living and working in China, and currently resides in Japan.

Susi SNYDER, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)

Susi is the programme coordinator at the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. Her responsibilities include facilitating the development and execution of ICAN's key programmes, including the management of ICAN's divestment work and engagement with the financial sector. Susi has contributed to a number of recent books, including Forbidden (2023), A World Free from Nuclear Weapons (2020), Sleepwalking to Armageddon: The Threat of Nuclear Annihilation (2017) and War and Environment Reader (2018). She has been featured in Project Syndicate, CNBC, 360 Magazine, Quartz, the Intercept, Huffington Post, U.S. News and World Report, the Guardian, on Deutsche Welle, Al Jazeera, and Democracy Now (among others).


Rosenet TIMIUS, MISA 4 the Pacific

Rosenet Timius is from the Marshall Islands, specifically Bikini Atoll and Kili and Ejit Islands. She is currently an undergraduate at the University of Hawaii majoring in Political Science and a minor in Pre-law. Before Rosenet moved to Hawaii, she was involved with Jo-Jikum, a non-profit organization focused on empowering Marshallese youth to rise up to the issues of climate change and nuclear legacy, which are affecting their tiny islands, vast ocean, and humble people. Rosenet hopes to raise awareness about the Marshallese nuclear legacy, specifically its connection to health, education and climate change in the Marshall Islands.

TANAKA Terumi, Hidankyo


Yuta Takahashi is a co-founder of KNOW NUKES TOKYO (KNT). With his passion for Japan’s nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation policy, he promotes dialogue between policymakers and citizens through various meetings and events. KNT is also a partner organization of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). Yuta was born in Hiroshima, Japan, in 2000. As he grew up in Hiroshima, he encountered many Hibakusha, atomic bomb survivors, which motivated him to promote the global awareness of the humanitarian impact of any use of nuclear weapons. His team has held online Hibakusha testimony sessions since 2020.